Case Study

Building on Strengths to Fuel Future Growth

The Client & Challenge

A leading provider of onsite workplace healthcare services was ranked, to their surprise, as a subpar provider by a national syndicated study. While healthcare systems often rely on syndicated studies to monitor their KPIs relative to their competitors, these studies can sometimes offer limited insight into potential improvement opportunities.

The provider was concerned that this low rating could impact their client perceptions and business, and wanted to find out how they could improve their client experience (CX) overall.

They reached out to The DRG for our thoughts on the value and calculation of the ranking, as well as how to closely monitor their customer experience and pinpoint and address underperforming service areas.

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The Solution

Our first step in addressing this challenge was to critically evaluate the syndicated study methodology to help the provider understand their ranking. In doing so, we found the methodology to be somewhat questionable and recommended the provider conduct their own CX study to more accurately assess their CX performance.

We designed and deployed an ongoing tracking study to objectively assess the provider’s CX performance. We tailored a relationship survey framework to focus on revealing their clients’ attitudes and beliefs about them as a brand, and to measure their clients’ likelihood to act on their perceptions.

The primary goals of the study included:

Assessing baseline performance in the following key metrics: overall client satisfaction, retention (especially likelihood to renew contracts after the poor rating from the syndicated study), and advocacy.

  • Identifying any shifts in brand perceptions
  • Gathering VoC feedback on how well providers meet client expectations
  • Uncovering client pain points
  • Identifying additional services to enhance clients’ onsite workplace healthcare options

Beyond these tactical goals, the provider planned to use our tracking study findings to develop larger business strategies around the following: resolving client pain points more proactively, leveraging technology to improve client satisfaction, and developing a marketing and communications plan to combat altered client perceptions caused by the low syndicated study rating.


The Wins

Our study found that this onsite healthcare provider actually had relatively strong customer satisfaction and loyalty ratings (contrary to what the syndicated study reported), with over three-quarters of their clients being satisfied with their investments in worksite health centers as well as with the service they received.

However, our study and analysis also revealed areas for growth and several opportunities to further strengthen client satisfaction. A few key opportunities:

  • Providing more behavioral and occupational health service offerings
  • Improving client satisfaction through increased transparency, customized reporting, and helping clients translate data into action
  • Improving client perceptions by addressing their desire for more flexibility and adaptability with service options

Once we revealed the findings and consulted on improvement opportunities, the provider jumped into action planning.

First, they began developing a communication plan to share the study findings with their clients. To demonstrate their dedication to transparency and continuous improvement, their communications would not only include their highest rankings (in contrast to the syndicated study report), but also the lowest and their plans to address them.

Second, armed with the intelligence our research provided, they expanded on plans that were already in motion to improve the client reporting experience. Specifically, they focused on better demonstrating ROI, presenting actionable findings, and offering customizable reporting.

Third, they began plans to raise the bar for their client experience in a few targeted ways. These included rolling out new and enhanced services addressing behavioral and occupational health, empowering client service teams to provide clients with more direction and proactive solutions and refining their technology to offer a more seamless overall healthcare experience.

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