Case Study

Listen, Learn, Align: CX & EX Become a Single Story

The Client & Challenge

A premier U.S. healthcare provider was struggling to solve business challenges around patient and employee satisfaction. They specifically needed insight into the connections between provider, employee, and patient experiences to understand why patient dissatisfaction was being reported at higher levels than usual.

The Solution

It was clear the provider needed to gain a holistic understanding of the current patient and employee experiences. Our goal was to implement a patient and employee listening program that would ultimately empower employees to enhance the patient experience by giving them new ways to listen to and connect with patients. The provider’s goal was to act on these and future research findings at the executive level to become more patient-centric and readily adapt to meet shifting expectations.

First, we analyzed patient feedback from a variety of sources on “front-door” experiences like registration, pricing communication, and post-visit satisfaction.​ Next, we identified the points of contact where the patient experience was misaligned with their expectations.​ Then, we engaged with employees to understand the areas of dissatisfaction impacting their ability to create positive connections with patients (issues like onboarding, training, and communication barriers). Finally, we helped create a centralized system for collecting patient feedback data from multiple sources so relevant employees could readily access the aggregate view and prioritize needs.


The Wins

The newly unified patient-employee experience story told through the listening program has helped unlock strategic opportunities to drive scalable, system-wide enhancements for this premier healthcare provider. Further, the socialization framework we created to share insights with engaged providers and stakeholders has empowered them to take action in informed, strategic ways.

Guided by insights gleaned from this program, the provider effectively prioritized efforts to remove barriers impacting patient satisfaction, retention, and advocacy. The research insights supported development of several operational enhancements, supported by digital solutions and marketing initiatives, to deliver consistently excellent patient experiences. The healthcare provider is now finding more ways to facilitate organization-wide innovation, like re-imagining employee onboarding and training programs to be more patient-centric.

This could be YOUR win.


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