Listening to What’s Said and Unsaid: The Value of In-Person Qualitative

We live in a world where technologies like mobile apps, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming commonplace, and the world of marketing research is certainly not immune to it. For instance, mobile surveys using apps to collect data rather than via web connections are becoming more prevalent. IoT technologies like geofencing can trigger survey invitations to respondents based on their location and collect real-time feedback during a customer experience. Online surveys are starting to use AI features like chatbots to probe respondents on specific details to their open-ended responses. Focus group research is now being conducted online, often providing time and cost savings over in-person qualitative research.

Why is it then, that companies are still conducting face-to-face qualitative research? It has to do with the fact that in-person research delivers immense value when it comes to tapping into consumers’ emotions and uncovering ways brands can deepen personal connections with their consumers.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Research suggests that up to 55% of communication is through body language. One of the essential benefits of body language is to alert the observer when there is a disconnect between stated information and true, underlying feelings.

When done well, in-person discussions make sure respondents feel comfortable sharing their true feelings, even when they are contrary to others in the group. Experienced moderators know to pay attention to respondents’ body language as much, if not more, than the words that they say. Often, these visual cues are what prompt the moderator to probe on a key discussion point leading to a deeper understanding. For example, if a new concept description is read during a focus group, a moderator may notice a respondent shift slightly back in their seat with a skeptical look on their face. Even if all the comments given by the group are favorable, a skillful moderator can gently probe into this potential hesitation to identify red flags that might have been missed if the research had been conducted through a different methodology.

More Natural Group Dynamics

With in-person focus groups, participants can engage naturally with each other, as well as with products or other stimuli being tested. Visual cues observed by the moderator can be extremely telling. For instance, noticing how easily or awkwardly respondents handle a product prototype, or facial expressions when watching advertising concepts can help a moderator draw out important feedback that might otherwise be left unsaid. When conducting projective techniques to elicit brand associations and perceptions in positioning research, recognizing natural group consensus, or lack thereof, is an important part of assessing the feedback. In each of these scenarios, the value of the research outcomes and the effectiveness of the business decisions based on the findings are enhanced by incorporating non-verbal communication.

Engage the Back Room

But not all the value from in-person focus groups happens on the respondents’ side of the mirror. True learnings can emerge from the clients’ side when everyone is engaged and actively listening. To make in-person research most effective, observers can be given the assignment to watch and listen for emotional reactions to new ideas, unexpected or surprising feedback, confirmation of current hypotheses, celebrations, red flags, or opportunities for follow-up questions. Discussing with the moderator what was seen and heard, soon after the research, will maximize the value of the research and lead to a deeper understanding of the consumer experience and new opportunities for growth.

Find the Right Solution to Fit Your Need

The variety of qualitative research techniques available means that there is a solution for every research need and budget. However, whenever feasible, consider incorporating in-person qualitative research, particularly when your objective is to better understand the emotional aspects of consumers’ reactions and perceptions. Capturing the full spectrum of verbal, and non-verbal communication can bring a depth and richness to the research, identifying insights that might not be otherwise uncovered.


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